Saturday, July 28, 2012

Willful Enslavement

Been awhile since I posted, so I'll make this a good one. What I want to talk about today, is a subject that 99% of people are simply AFRAID to confront. That subject is WILLFUL ENSLAVEMENT. A lot of problems that are going on in this country and even around the world stems from one indistinguishabel trait: GREED! That's right all of the world's problems comes from the people's greed. Like inflation, for example, that comes from the Federal Reserve printing up money. But wait, doesn't that make the Fed bad for causing inflation? Hahaha, you sheep, nope, not at all. Guess who asked for that money that was printed up? Give up? YOU did! That's right you nigger monkey, YOU begged for that auto loan, or that mortgage loan, and that school loan, you stupified nincompoop. You caused inflation because you refused to WORK for your food. Nobody FORCED you to sign those loan papers, but you did, because in your stupid little mind, you figured you could actually OUTSMART nature. Hahaha, guess again chickenhead. Because of your insatiable greed, I have to withstand higher gas prices, higher milk costs, etc. You fucking selfish pricks thought you could just skate by and do NOTHING? I wonder what's going on in your head now that you have NO job, your savings are wiped out by the inflation YOU and your sheep brethren have cause, and that means no money for your loans you WILLFULLY signed on your own free will. You must be feeling the heat huh, you ape? I'll make it easier for you. Just go out and buy a gun on credit, like everything else, put it to your head, and pull the trigger. You'll be doing the world a HUGE favor by doing that.

Ok, on to the real shit. I LOVE cell phone companies. They're some of the craftiest motherfuckers alive. Their power of inducement is off the charts. I was checking out an ad and one of the phone companies were listing a NEW phone for $199, but only if you sign up for a NEW contract or EXTEND your current one for two years. Now the RETAIL price of the phone is $600 for NO contract at all. So your two choices is to buy the phone outright with no contract, or WILLFULLY sign a new contract, further enslaving yourself. All my friends I ask about this, would do the latter option, guess what the reason is? BECAUSE ITS CHEAPER!!! That's right, these cocksucking thundercunts had the audacity to say ENSLAVING YOURSELF is CHEAPER!!!! LMFAO!!!! Oh buy, I bought near died of laughter when they told me that. How the FUCK IS IT CHEAPER? Let's go over the costs. If you buy the phone outright, you won the phone, and can use it on any network that supports its frequencies, meaning you have more power to choose your own carrier, and there's way too many to count. But if you buy at the subsidized rates, that's right your phone is subsidized by the government, so basically you're renting your NEW phone from the government lol oh boy gotta love how that sounds. Plus, you have no pick of carriers, so you're FORCED, that's right, FORCED to use that carrier. You can't quit the contract without paying the ETF(Early Termination Fee) which the last time I checked, averaged about $375. Then you add the monthly charges for the plan, which as I have seen can be anywhere from $70-100 plus tax. Over two years, you will have paid $2,040. Now tell me, which one is the cheaper option NOW? You see the cattle never look to the future, it's all about NOW, NOW, NOW! They never save for the future, everythig has to be served in an INSTANT! Their instant gratification pisses me the fuck off, but it can be exploited, just like how the phone companies do it. Put too comparisons together, one with a cheaper price at subsidized or discounted rates and one with the REAL price, the cattle will pick the cheaper one that will cost them in the long run EVERY TIME. I have a cellphone, a nokia one, that I use for business purposes. I paid 200 bucks since it was unlocked, meaning I can choose whoever i wanted, and I chose a prepaid company, that doesn't do contracts, and I already paid back the phone with the money I saved if I went with a BIG carrier.

See, the fact is people want all the benefits NOW, and they'll worry about the responsibility later, or pay somebody to handle it for them(i.e. politician, gov't official). They brought on this hell, and now they have to ROT in it. I love seeing the disgruntled looks of peeople who are now starting to see the writing on the wall after years of reckless spending and borrowing. They finally know that they're fucked and they can do nothing but HOPE that somebody swoops in and SAVES them from their mess, which is going to happen, b ut at a price, and that price is their freedom. Think about it people, everything that happens has an equal and opposite reaction. Everything you do has a consequense, big or small, depending on the decision. If you choose to save yourself rather than some sheep who was too stupid to save his own self, the consequence is the sheep dies. Simple as that. You live in this world for YOU. Nobody but YOU can save yourself. It's called self responsiblilty. People call it selfish if you think of yourself first, and I say fuck them! People like that will be the first to die when shit hits the fan because they want to be SUPERMAN and save everybody but themselves, and I call that STUPIDITY. 

So, there you have it, the masses willfully enslave themselves everyday of the year, and guess what, they have nobody to blame but themselves. No one forced tthem to buy that 65' big screen tv, nobody had a gun to their head when they signed that new auto loan for a stupid new car that'll break down in 3 years, and no one definelty FORCED you to buy that new townhouse in the ghetto. So fuck that blame game bitches. Blame yoselves fool! Before I forget, at this very moment they are a building a NEW bunch of townhouses in the GHETTO no less. The greed of these stupid housing companies, I tell ya, but ultimately, I BET people will want to move there because they think it will be a good investment haha, credit goes to nemesis on that one.

-Will Out


  1. Isnt it ironcie how you blame the sheeple for being evil for having auto loans...

    But YOU have a 4 door red debt mobile yourself!!!!

    LOL!!!.. Anyways, where the ace have you been will423?

  2. Omg hives! Nice hearing from ya mate. I haven't forgot your teachings lol I read DSD a lot. I'm not dead, obviously lol I know you guys prolly thought I died. I'll definitely check in for sure tomorrow, I gotta see how everybody's progressed.
